Why Build a Conex Home?

As previously mentioned in an earlier post, shipping container housing has exploded in popularity in recent years. But why build your home out of shipping containers? There are many advantages to using used Conex Boxes to construct a home.

Cost – building with used shipping containers cost significantly less than a conventional house with the same usage area and space.

Durability – Conex Boxes are manufactured using marine grade Corten Steel designed to withstand extreme weather conditions and temperatures at sea so they should last for years.

Eco-Friendly – Reusing existing unused Conex Boxes decreases the use of conventional construction materials like brick, cement, and wood which require additional resources to produce.

Repurposing Abandoned Containers – With the United States importing more goods than we export abandoned containers are stacking up at shipping ports all across the country. It is more economical for countries to build new containers to ship products to the United States than it is to return the empty containers to reuse. Finding ways to repurpose the used shipping containers such as Conex homes helps to alleviate the ports of the abandoned containers.

Structural Strength – Conex Boxes have strong frames and corner castings. Each of the eight corners has a simple twistlock fitting enabling stacking of containers. This provides the strength necessary to allow for construction of multi-level homes.

Save Build Time – By stacking and joining multiple containers together homes built from Conex Boxes can be assembled in a relatively short time, compared with conventional construction.

Space Saving – Containers can be stacked several levels high. By stacking containers to increase square footage, sizable homes can be constructed in small spaces when necessary.

Unique Design – For those interested in contemporary, industrial design, Conex construction offers a unique style in which to build a home.
